7 Effective Tips for Writing a Killer Video Description: How to Optimize Your Videos for Views and Conversions

Tips & TricksEffective Tips for Writing a Killer Video Description
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    When it comes to video marketing, a great video isn’t enough. You also need a compelling video description if you want to optimize your videos for views and conversions. This blog post will give you seven tips for writing killer video descriptions that will help you get more views and conversions!

    Tip #01: Write a concise and engaging summary

    Your video description should be brief but engaging. Summarize the key points of your video in a few sentences, and make sure to hook your audience so they will want to watch the entire video.

    How you go about doing this is really up to you, and it will require some experimentation. Here are some examples of good video descriptions:

    “This is how we got 13 million views on our first YouTube video. This was a huge breakthrough for us, and we want to share what worked so well with you!”

    Or “We were able to get over 30k likes from sharing this one simple trick! Check it out now to see how you can do the same.”

    See how these descriptions describe what the video will cover in a really clean and straightforward way. But they are also worded in such a way that grabs the viewer’s attention and makes them want to learn more. 

    Some other tips include:

    – Start with an introduction to the video, like who will be speaking or what it is about. This lets viewers know what they’re watching before clicking on it. For example: “In this video, I’m going to show you how we got over 13 million views on our first YouTube video!”

    Try using bullet points to make your video description easy to read and scan.

    – Make sure your first sentence summarizes what the video is about in an engaging way, such as “This was a HUGE breakthrough for us” or “The secret we’ve been hiding from everyone else.” A good introduction will make people want to watch more!

    Finally, you can also use a CTA at the end of your video description to prompt viewers to either watch another one of your videos or visit your website. This makes it easy for your users to know where to go next and where you’re heading.

    If they’re interested in what you have to offer, then they don’t have to hunt around for the link and eventually be put off. You have to remember that people on the internet have very short attention spans and if they can’t find something easily, then they probably won’t bother.

    Tip #02: Use description keywords strategically

    When you’re writing a video description, it’s important to include keywords that are relevant to your topic. This will help people find your videos when they search for specific phrases or words on YouTube and Google. However, there’s more to using keywords than just doing a bit of keyword research, chucking them into your description content, and then hoping for the best.

    For example, you’ll want to make use of long-tail keywords.

    Long-tail keywords are phrases that are more specific and targeted than general keywords. They usually contain three or more words, and people who search for them are typically further down the buying cycle. Because of this, they’re an excellent fit for video marketing content because you can use them to attract viewers who are already interested in what you have to offer.

    To find long-tail keywords for your description, use a tool like Google’s Keyword Planner or Semrush.

    However, that’s not all. You need to search and use keywords that are actually connected to your audience and will be the words they’re using in their searches. This is known as ‘search intent’. Depending on a user’s search intent and the audience you’re targeting, you’ll want to use different keywords.

    There are four main types of search intent you’ll need to be aware of. These are:

    Informational: This is when someone is looking for information on a specific topic. They might not be ready to buy anything just yet, but they’re interested in learning more about the subject. It’s important to include these in your description for YouTube.

    Commercial: When someone performs a commercial search, they’re looking to buy something. This could be related to their current needs, or it could be more of a long-term plan.

    Transactional: This is when someone knows what they want to purchase, and they’re ready to do so now. They might not know which brand or site to buy from yet – that’s where you come in!

    Navigational: These are searches for specific websites or brands. The searcher knows what they’re looking for and wants to find it as quickly as possible.

    When you’re targeting a specific audience, it’s essential to use relevant keywords. You can do this by using keyword research tools like the ones we mentioned earlier or by simply brainstorming potential keywords related to your topic.

    LSI Keywords

    Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are terms and phrases that are related to your main topic but not necessarily as specific. For example, if you’re a travel agent, some potential LSI keywords might be ‘vacation,’ ‘holiday,’ ‘resort,’ etc.

    You can find LSI video keywords for your video description by using a tool like LSI Graph.

    Once you’ve got some potential keywords in mind, look at how many people search for them online each month. You’ll be able to find this information on Google’s Keyword Planner and Semrush as well as other similar tools.

    Another example could be a video you’ve titled, ‘How to clean your windows properly.’ Some LSI keywords you may use here could be: “cleaning products”, “window cleaning tips”, “glass cleaner”.

    LSI keywords are important because they can help to improve your video’s ranking on search engines. This is because they show Google that your video is relevant to the topic at hand, and as a result, it will be more likely to appear in relevant search results.

    Tip #03: Use a defined structure

    When you’re writing the text for your video description, it’s essential to keep in mind that not all potential viewers will read each word. This is why you need to have a structured approach and ensure that the most important information appears first. If you’re posting on YouTube, you have up to 5,000 characters you can use (including spaces), but this is a lot of content, and hardly anyone is going to read all of it, so how can you make sure you make the most of it in an optimized way?

    Well, you use a proper structure that provides detail and an optimized approach to your description. Here’s how.

    Start by presenting everything important upfront. This is important because all your users will open the video and see the information at the top, so you want the most important stuff there because that’s where most people are going to see it.

    What’s more, the first 150 characters will appear on the Google search engine results page, so make sure you’re doing what you can to make it count. Here are some tips on deciding how to make it count.

    • Ask questions and tease answers

    When you start your video description, ask a question. This will engage the viewer and encourage them to continue reading. You can also tease out answers that viewers may be looking for in order to keep them engaged and interested until they reach the end of your best description! For example:

    How do you actually start a conversation on Tinder? This video shows you the way!

    • Describe what the video is about

    In your first sentence or two, describe what the video is about to give viewers a snapshot of what they can expect. This will help them decide if it’s something they want to watch or not.

    • Be direct and concise

    You only have a limited amount of space to work with, so be direct and concise when you’re presenting your information. This will help you get your point across in the clearest way possible.

    • Tag any collaborations

    If you worked on the video with someone else, be sure to tag them in your description. This is a great way to give them some extra publicity and help them grow their audience. It’s vital you include these names because anyone in the collaborator’s fan base will then also see your video in their search results and recommendations.

    Don’t forget to include links to their socials as well!

    Tip #04: Use hashtags wisely

    Hashtags are a great way to get your videos seen by more people, but only if you use them correctly. If you’re not sure how to use them, here are a few tips:

    -Don’t go overboard. You only want to include around three or four hashtags in your description. Any more, and it will start to look spammy.

    -Make sure they’re relevant to the topic of your video. If you’re using a hashtag that isn’t related to your video, people won’t be able to find it in search results or on social media.

    -Keep them short and sweet. A more than three-words-long hashtag will be harder for people to read and remember, so keep it short and sweet.

    So, how do you actually find the right hashtags for your video description?

    There are a few ways you can do this. The first is to use a tool like Hashtagify, which will help you find hashtags that are related to your video topic. You can also search for popular hashtags on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram and include them in your description.

    Tip #05: Write for human beings, not search engines

    When you’re writing your video description, it’s important to remember that you’re writing for human beings, not search engines. This means that you should write engagingly and fluently, rather than using jargon or technical language that most people won’t understand.

    It’s so easy to fall into the trap of doing this because you’re trying to tick all the SEO boxes, but then when you actually read the content, it makes no sense, and the viewers who actually take the time to read your description will be put off since it makes no sense.

    Here are some top tips to avoid this from happening.

    -Write in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read style.

    -Use short sentences and paragraphs.

    -Include keywords sparingly and naturally throughout your content.

    -Avoid using jargon or technical language that most people won’t understand.

    Tip #06: Use quotes from your video

    If you have any particularly memorable quotes from your video, add them to the description! This will help engage viewers and make them more likely to watch the entire video. This is a powerful way to keep viewers engaged and interested in your content, and it can also help you generate more leads and conversions.

    YouTube specifically has also added a new Chapters feature, which you’re going to want to be aware of. This will allow viewers to ‘jump’ to specific parts of your video description, which can be great for long videos. This is a great way to highlight important areas of your video, and it can also help keep viewers involved from start to finish.

    What’s more, viewers will also get an idea of what’s to come in the video to decide if it’s something they’re interested in watching.

    Tip #07: Add relevant links to your video description

    If you have any related videos on YouTube, add links back to them at the end of your description. This will help keep people watching and increase the amount of time they spend on your channel!

    The best way to do this is to add a ‘related videos’ section at the end of your description. This will automatically be populated with related videos based on the video that someone is watching. You can also add links to your social media channels or any other relevant websites you may have.

    You can also include any links to your website or blog within the description itself. This is an excellent way to drive traffic back to them and increase conversions! if you want to include other helpful links, then this is also advised!


    You can’t just upload a video to YouTube and expect it to succeed. If you want your videos to rank well on search engines like Google or Bing and to be picked up by the algorithm, you need a compelling video description. Follow these tips for writing killer video descriptions, and you will see more views and conversions. 

    And, of course, don’t forget to consider other channels to promote your videos. Despite the fact that YouTube is the second most-watched site in the world, it can be a bit difficult to succeed here. That is why it is recommended to mix different ways of attracting viewers. One of the fastest growing industries in recent years has been CTV. Creating your own channel on top CTV platforms like Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV, and others allows you to reach a wider audience and gain more loyal viewers. Check out what type of content is delivered across CTV channels and how you can benefit from creating an OTT app in our article

    Sara Sparrow is a technical writer and project coordinator at Academized. She loves nothing more than helping businesses make the most of their marketing projects and spending their time and resources in the right place to achieve the best results.